[Sci-tech-public] MIT Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, 2012-2013

Margo F Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 4 09:29:40 EDT 2012

MIT Seminar on
Environmental and Agricultural History
2012 - 2013

 Sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 PM

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building E51 Room 095
Corner of Amherst and Wadsworth Streets, Cambridge, MA

October 26  The Carceral Landscape: Slaves, Horses, Dogs, Fields, Swamps, and Woods
  Walter Johnson, History, Harvard University

November 30 When Animals Stop Working: An Economy of Labor Transformation in the Ottoman Empire
Alan Mikhail, History, Yale University

March 1 The State in the Vineyard
Kathleen Brosnan, History, University of Oklahoma

March 15  The Traditions and Networks of Birding in Africa
Nancy Jacobs, History, Brown University

May 10 Fluvio-centric Currents of River History: from the Mersey to the Po
Peter Coates, History, University of Bristol

For more information, contact Margo Collett at mcollett at mit.edu<mailto:mcollett at mit.edu>. This seminar series is sponsored
by MIT's History Faculty and Program in Science, Technology, and Society.
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