[Sci-tech-public] "The Digital Public Library of America and Other Urgent Projects" with Robert Darnton, Susan Plannery and Ann Wolpert on Thursday, Nov. 1, 5-7 pm, at MIT

Brad Seawell seawell at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 30 11:10:02 EDT 2012

Digitizing the Culture of Print: The Digital Public 
Library of America and Other Urgent Projects 

Thursday, Nov. 1
5-7 pm
E14-633 <http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=E14>  (MIT Media Lab)
75 Amherst St.

The role of the library in the digital age is one of the compelling
questions of our era.  
How are libraries coping with the promise and perils of our impending
digital future?  
What urgent initiatives are underway to assure universal access to our print
and to the digital communication forms of the future?  How is the very idea
of the 
library changing?  These and related questions will engage our distinguished
who represent both research and public libraries and one of whom serves on
steering committee for the Digital Public Library of America <http://dp.la/>


Robert Darnton <http://history.fas.harvard.edu/people/faculty/darnton.php>
is Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor at Harvard, director of 
the Harvard University Library and one of America's most distinguished
He serves on the steering committee of the Digital Public Library of America
and has been a trustees of the New York Public Library (NYPL) since 1995.
is the author of many influential books including The Case for Books, Past,
and Future and The Great Cat Massacre. 

Susan Flannery <http://www.cctvcambridge.org/susan_flannery_bio>  is
director of libraries for the City of Cambridge and past president 
of the Massachusetts Library Association. 

Ann Wolpert <http://orgchart.mit.edu/director-libraries>  is director of
libraries at MIT and oversees the MIT Press.


Moderator: David Thorburn <http://lit.mit.edu/people/dthorburn.php>  is
professor of literature at MIT and director of the 
Communications Forum.  


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