[Sci-tech-public] Sherry Turkle: TED talk!

David Kaiser dikaiser at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 3 16:07:09 EDT 2012

Hello, all,

Our very own Prof. Sherry Turkle was recently a featured speaker at the annual TED conference. The video of her talk, based on her recent book, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other (2011), just became available:


Check it out -- and please join me in congratulating Sherry for helping to bring cutting-edge STS scholarship to myriad audiences.

David Kaiser			    			
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science
Department Head, Program in Science, Technology, & Society
and Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics
Room E51-179
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Tel: 617 253-4062 	Fax: 617 258-8118
dikaiser at mit.edu

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