[Sci-tech-public] STS Week@Harvard, April 4th-12th: STS Next Twenty Conference, David Brooks Lecture, and More!

STS sts at hks.harvard.edu
Thu Mar 31 16:43:47 EDT 2011

STS Week @ Harvard
April 4th-12th, 2011

Please join us for an exciting week of STS events at Harvard. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 5th, 4:10-5:30PM
Democracy Seminar Series
Speaker: John Dryzek, Australian National University
Title: "Deliberative Democracy and Climate Governance"
Location: 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Suite 200 North
Co-Sponsored with the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
Website: http://ash.harvard.edu/Home/News-Events/Events/Deliberative-Democracy-and-Climate-Governance

Thursday, April 7th - Saturday, April 9th
Science and Technology Studies: The Next Twenty
A conference reflecting on the past twenty years of STS graduate study, and looking ahead to the next twenty.
Registration Required: http://stsnext20.org/rsvp/
Conference Website: http://stsnext20.org<http://stsnext20.org/>
Twitter Feed: www.twitter.com/stsnext20<http://www.twitter.com/stsnext20>

Monday, April 11th
STS Circle at Harvard
Speaker: Duana Fulwilley, Anthropology, Harvard
Title "When State Economy and Population Biology Meet: The Powers of Association and "Mild" Sickle Cell Anemia in Senegal, West Africa"
Location: 124 Mt. Auburn Street, Suite 100, Room 106
RSVP to sts at hks.harvard.edu<mailto:sts at hks.harvard.edu>. Lunch will be provided to registered guests.

Tuesday, April 12th, 5:00-7:00PM
Science and Democracy Lecture Series 2011
Speaker: David Brooks, Columnist, The New York Times with commentary from Max Bazerman, David Kennedy, and Steven Pinker
Title: "Politics, the Brain and Human Nature"
Location: Piper Auditorium, Gund Hall, Graduate School of Design

[cid:image003.jpg at 01CBEFC0.922E53A0]<http://www.facebook.com/HarvardSTS>

Shana Rabinowich
Faculty Assistant to Sheila Jasanoff
Program on Science, Technology and Society
Harvard Kennedy School

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