[Sci-tech-public] MIT150 Symposium; Leaders in Science and Engineering: The Women of MIT

David Mindell mindell at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 25 11:22:46 EDT 2011

Hello STS community:


I am writing to encourage you to attend the  MIT150 symposium coming up next
week Monday March 28th and Tuesday March 29th, "Leaders in Science and
Engineering: The Women of MIT," (http://mit150.mit.edu/symposia/women-of-MIT
) which is also featured on the MIT homepage today. 


You will find a rare concentration of outstanding, accessible talks spanning
much of science and engineering as well as in-depth discussions of MIT's old
(1999) and new (2011) reports on women in science and engineering and their
social and policy implications. 


The lineup includes:

Prof. Susan Lindquist of Biology: Using Simple Cells to Attack Complex

Prof. JoAnne Stubbe of Chemistry and Biology: Radicals: Your Life in Their

Prof. Sangeeta Bhatia of HST and EECS: It's a Small World: Tiny Technologies
in Medicine

Prof. Angela Belcher of MSE and BioEng: Engineering Biology to Grow
Materials and Devices for Energy and Medicine

Prof. Christine Ortiz of MSE: Biological Structural Materials;
Interdisciplinary Convergence of Engineering, Architecture, and Evolutionary

Prof. Sara Seager of EAPS and Physics: Exoplanets and the Search for
Habitable Worlds

Prof. Maria Zuber of EAPS: Searching for Life on Mars

Prof. Lotte Bailyn of Sloan: Panelist for Recruiting, Mentoring, and

Prof. Mildred Dresselhaus of EECS and Physics: Panelist for Recruiting,
Mentoring, and Retention

Prof. Regina Barzilay of EECS: Teaching Machines to Behave Using Natural

Prof. Anette Hosoi of MechE: Small Swimming Lessons: Optimizing Low Reynolds
Number Locomotion

Prof. Nergis Mavalvala of Physics: Exploring the Warped Side of the Universe

Prof. Sallie Chisholm of CEE and Biology: Tiny Cells, Global Impact:
Microbes in the Sea

Prof. Nancy Kanwisher of BCS: Functional Specialization in the Human Brain


In addition, there are outstanding external speakers:

Prof. Shirley Jackson, President of RPI:

Dr. Charles Vest, President of the National Academy of Engineering

Prof. Cherry Murray, Harvard Dean of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Prof. Abigail Stewart, Distinguished University Professor at University of

Dr. Robert Birgeneau, Chancellor, UC Berkeley

Dr. Heidi Hammel, Executive Vice President, AURA

Lisa Maatz, American Association of University Women


I strongly encourage you to attend what will be one of the highlights of
MIT's 150th anniversary celebration.  You can attend without advance
registration, however you should arrive at least 15 minutes in advance of
your first session to register at no cost in the lobby of Kresge Auditorium.
A link to the symposium and its detailed program are available through the
cover story at the MIT main website,  <http://web.mit.edu/>
http://web.mit.edu/ (click on the "Agenda" tab at the symposium website). In
addition to the main symposium, there are a few seats available for the
Monday evening performance of the play, Truth Values.  I highly recommend
this to students - show up at the New Media Lab early enough Monday evening
and you will experience a real treat for only $5 ($10 for faculty and





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