[Sci-tech-public] Knight Seminars next week: April 5 and 7

Eric Strattman ejstratt at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 1 16:56:58 EDT 2011

KNIGHT SEMINAR:  April 5, MIT Bartos Theater, lower level of E15 at  

Ethics and Forensics in the age of Photoshop Photojournalism
Hany Farid,  mathematician and digital forensics specialist at  
Dartmouth University.

Santiago Lyon, director of photography for the Associated Press.

There is new technology that can detect altered photographs, and even  
identify the camera that took them---like a ballistics test.
Come hear about the history of faked photos and what news  
organizations can do about them.  A joint seminar co-sponsored with  
the Nieman Fellowships at Harvard.

Light reception to follow from 6pm to 6:45pm, in the atrium area  
outside the Bartos Theater.


KNIGHT SEMINAR:  April 7, meet in E19-623 at 4:00pm

Poor Economics: Rethinking the Fight Against Poverty

Esther Duflo, MIT Department of Economics and founder of MIT's Poverty  
Action Lab.

Why would a man in Morocco who doesn’t have enough to eat buy a  
television? Why is it so hard for children in poor areas to learn,  
even when they attend school? Does having lots of children actually  
make you poorer? Answering questions like these is critical if we want  
to have a chance to really make a dent against global poverty.

Please visit http://pooreconomics.com/ for details.

Eric Strattman
Knight Science Journalism Fellowships at MIT
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA  02139

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