[Sci-tech-public] William Storey / Tue, Nov 30 SUBWAY LECTURE SERIES

David Duran dvduran at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 24 09:41:49 EST 2010



"Cecil Rhodes, Mine-Engineers, and Migrant Workers: Coproduction and
Cognition in the Diamond Mines of Kimberley, South Africa"

Dr. William Storey, Millsaps College

Tuesday, November 30

4:00 pm, MIT E51-149

Cecil Rhodes figures prominently in the environmental and technological
history of Southern Africa and the British Empire.  Previous Rhodes
biographers have focused on his involvement in politics, paying little
attention to geology, mining, telegraphs, railroads, and farming in his
life's story.  This presentation will show that Rhodes was a technopolitical
visionary who promoted advanced engineering while at the same time pressing
for monopoly capitalism and racial discrimination.  The talk will focus on

Rhodes' diamond-mines in Kimberley and his vineyards in the Western Cape
while addressing issues of method.  How is a technopolitical vision of an
individual best assessed and described?  How does an individual "see" a
vision and then make it legible to key backers?  To what extent does a
visionary like Rhodes embody the visions of multiple individuals?



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