[Sci-tech-public] THURSDAY, April 1, 2010 Sahin Seminar: Pauline Maier “The People Debate the Constitution: An American Story, 1787-1788”

Margo Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 31 09:52:55 EDT 2010

Sahin Seminar Series

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 “The People Debate the Constitution: An American Story, 1787-1788”

Pauline Maier, MIT History Faculty

When the state convention called to ratify or reject the proposed federal Constitution convened in Boston on January 9, 1788, five states had already voted to ratify. Only four more states had to ratify for the Constitution to go into effect, but its fate remained doubtful.  The two chapters being circulated for this work-in-progress seminar tell the landmark story of the Massachusetts convention.  They are from the manuscript of a book, to be published next year by Simon and Schuster, that will be the first to tell the story of the Constitution’s ratification by focusing on the elected state conventions where the decisions to ratify (or not) were actually made.   Pauline Maier will open the seminar by talking about the project in general, including the challenge of writing narratives and the sometimes revolutionary opportunities opened by published (or digitized) document collections.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4:15 – 6 PM

Building E51 Room 275

Corner of Wadsworth and Amherst Streets, Cambridge

 Free and open to the public. For more information or to be put on the mailing list, please contact mcollett at mit.edu.  This event is sponsored by MIT’s History Faculty.
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