[Sci-tech-public] MIT Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, 2010-2011

Margo Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Fri Aug 6 09:36:28 EDT 2010

MIT Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History 

   2010 - 2011

     Sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 PM

    Building E51 Room 095

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    2 Amherst Street, Cambridge

September 17         Lions and Stray Cats: The Animal Projects of the Early Paris Academy of Sciences
                                    Anita Guerrini, History, Oregon State University
October 15             Seeds of Memory: Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World
                                    Judith Carney, Geography, University of California, Los Angeles
December 3         Frontiers of Discovery: Changing Meanings of “Frontier” from Frederick Jackson Turner to John F. Kennedy and Beyond
                                    Helen Rozwadowski, History, University of Connecticut
March 18                Alligator Tales: The Cultural and Environmental History of a Charismatic Carnivore        
                                    Mark Barrow, History, Virginia Tech
April 8                    Can Agricultural Biotechnology Alleviate Third World Poverty? Reflections on Green Revolutions Past and Present
                                    Jonathan Harwood, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Manchester University
April 29                  Betting the Future: Population Growth and Resource Scarcity Debates in the 1970s
                                    Paul Sabin, History, Yale University
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