[Sci-tech-public] STS Colloquium: Dara Entekhabi on Monday, March 9th at 4 pm

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 5 16:42:13 EST 2009

Please join us on Monday, March 9th:
STS Colloquium

Sanctions, Containment and Science in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dara Entekhabi, MIT

4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095

ABSTRACT: As part of the STS colloquium series titled Science and 
Technology in Africa, Asia, and Beyond, Professor Entekhabi will 
relate his personal experiences in scientific collaborations with 
researchers in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The challenges of 
working these collaborations and impressions about the effects of 
sanctions and containment policies on the development of science in 
Iran will be discussed.

BIO: Dara Entekhabi is a professor in the MIT Department of Civil and 
Environmental Engineering with joint appointment in the MIT 
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. He was born 
in Iran and obtained a doctorate from MIT in 1990. He is the director 
of the Ralph M. Parsons Lab for Environmental Science and Engineering 
and he currently serves as the director of the MIT Earth System 
Initiative. His areas of research are satellite remote sensing, earth 
observations and earth system modeling.  He currently serves as the 
science lead for a NASA satellite mission titled Soil Moisture Active 
and Passive Mission (SMAP) that is due to be launched in 2013.

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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