[Sci-tech-public] STS Colloquium: Monday, September 15th

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 11 18:39:14 EDT 2008

STS Colloquium -- Monday, September 15th

Seduced by Secrets, Smitten by Technology: Spy-Tech East and Spy-Tech West

Kristie Macrakis, Georgia Institute of Technology

4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095

In this image-rich presentation, Kristie Macrakis will compare and 
contrast East Bloc and American espionage technology and styles 
during the Cold War. While US large-scale technological systems like 
spy satellites, planes and submarines diverged from the East bloc 
style of doing espionage, both sides were remarkably similar in their 
construction and use of tradecraft in agent operations.

Kristie Macrakis received her Ph.D in the history of science from 
Harvard University. She is Professor of History of Science at 
Michigan State University and will be moving full-time to the Georgia 
Institute of Technology in January 2009. She is the author or editor 
of Surviving the Swastika (1993), Science under Socialism(1999) East 
German Intelligence (forthcoming,2009), and, most recently Seduced by 
Secrets (2008) (www.seducedbysecrets.com) as well as numerous articles.

For a complete schedule of events, please see the STS website: 

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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