[Sci-tech-public] MIT Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, Spring 2008

Margo Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 15 12:02:45 EST 2008

MIT Seminar on
Environmental and Agricultural History
(formerly Modern Times, Rural Places)

Spring 2008

Sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 PM
Building E51 Room 095
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

February 8              " Wilding the Farm or Farming the Wild?' The 
Evolution of Game Ranching in Southern Africa, 1960s to the Present"
                                 Jane Carruthers, Professor of 
History, University of South Africa, Pretoria

February 29            "Industrializing Bodies:  Synthetic Hormones, 
Livestock, and Environmental Health in the Post-War Era"
                                 Nancy Langston, Professor, Nelson 
Institute of Environmental Studies and Department of Forest Ecology 
and Management, University of Wisconsin-Madison

March 7                  "The Port Royal Earthquake and the World of 
Wonders in Seventeenth-Century Jamaica"
                                 Matthew Mulcahy, Associate Professor 
of History, Loyola College

May 2                      "Empires of Energy, 1580-1980:  Fossil 
Fuels and Geopolitics"
                                 John McNeill, Professor of History, 
Georgetown University

For more information, you may contact Margo Collett at 
<mailto:mcollett at mit.edu>mcollett at mit.edu.
This seminar series is sponsored by MIT's History Faculty and Program 
in Science, Technology,
and Society.
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