[Sci-tech-public] ***TODAY -- STS Special Lecture: Rebecca Herzig, February 19 @ 4:00 pm***

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 19 07:58:04 EST 2008

>Please join us this afternoon
>STS Special Lecture
>The Affliction of Freedom:
>Shame, Science, and Liberal Governance
>Rebecca Herzig
>Bates College
>4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095
>Recent scholarship in STS has focused on the 
>dilemmas of bodily ownership emerging through 
>current developments in the life sciences. This 
>talk highlights previously overlooked features 
>of the governance of life, labor, and property 
>in advanced liberal societies, by tracing the 
>history of a single "human biological" in the 
>United States:  body hair.  Consternation over 
>the nature and purpose of human hairiness, 
>expressed in scientific treatises, advice 
>manuals, and private letters, intimates some of 
>the more vexing contradictions of choice in 
>modern America­--contradictions at the center of contemporary vital politics.
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