[Sci-tech-public] ****Science and Democracy lecture series with William Cronon: "Saving Nature in Time" November 29 at 5 pm****

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 26 11:23:29 EST 2007

>The Program on Science, Technology, and Society, at the John F. 
>Kennedy School of Government presents:
>Science and Democracy,  a lecture series aimed at exploring both the 
>promised benefits or our era's most salient scientific and 
>technological breakthroughs and the potentially harmful consequences 
>of developments that are inadequately understood, debated, or 
>managed by politicians, lay publics, and policy institutions.
>William Cronon
>Frederick Jackson Turner Professor of History, Geography, and 
>Environmental Studies and Vilas Research Professor at the University 
>of Wisconsin, Madison
>"Saving Nature in Time: Why Environmentalism Needs History as much as Science"
>David Blackbourn, Department of History, Harvard University
>Peter Galison, Department of the History of Science, Harvard University
>Mike Hulme, Tyndall Center, United Kingdom
>Thursday, November 29, 5:00 - 7:00p
>Science Center Lecture Hall A
>Harvard University
>One Oxford Street, Cambridge
>In this lecture, drawn from a forthcoming book of the same title, 
>William Cronon will examine the key cultural assumptions about 
>humanity and nature that have characterized modern American 
>environmental thinking, and which have sometimes undermined the 
>effectiveness of environmentalism as a political, social, and 
>cultural movement.  In his book and lecture, Cronon will discuss how 
>environmentalism might become more effective if its followers did a 
>better job of considering nature and culture as a single linked 
>system in the service of humane values.
>This event is co-sponsored by the School of Engineering and Applied 
>Sciences and the Harvard University Center for the Environment.  For 
>more information on Science, Technology, and Society events at 
>Harvard University, please visit: 
>This event is free and open to the public.
>Lisa Matthews
>Events Coordinator
>Harvard University Center for the Environment
>24 Oxford Street
>Cambridge, MA 02138
><mailto:lisa_matthews at harvard.edu>lisa_matthews at harvard.edu
>p. 617-495-8883
>f. 617-496-0425

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