[Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events: Week of April 30th

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 25 23:52:58 EDT 2007

Please join us on Monday, April 30th, for an STS Colloquium:

Architectural Technology: New Lessons from Master Builders

Speaker:  John Ochsendorf, Architecture, MIT

4:00 p.m., MIT, E51-095

John Ochsendorf is a structural engineer with multi-disciplinary 
research interests including archaeology, the history of 
construction, and sustainable design. Trained in structural mechanics 
at Cornell, Princeton, and the University of Cambridge, he conducts 
research on the structural safety of historic monuments and the 
design of more sustainable infrastructure. An expert on the mechanics 
and behavior of masonry structures, Ochsendorf collaborates with art 
historians, architects, and engineers on the study and structural 
assessment of historic monuments around the world. He received his 
Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering; 
his M.Sc., Princeton University, Department of Civil and 
Environmental Engineering; and B.Sc., Cornell University, Structural 
Engineering (Minor in Archaeology). His research interests include 
masonry mechanics, structural analysis of historic monuments, 
dynamics of masonry buildings, displacement loading of structures, 
environmental assessment of building materials, appropriate 
technology in structural design, history of construction.


You can view a schedule of STS-related events for the week of April 
30th here: http://web.mit.edu/sts/calendar/index-css.html

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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