[Sci-tech-public] COMMUNICATIONS FORUM: Evangelicals and the Media, Thursday, April 5, 5-7 pm, in 3-270
Debbie Meinbresse
meinbres at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 3 18:05:51 EDT 2007
>evangelicals and the media
>Thursday, April 5
>5-7 pm
>American Evangelicals have a long history of engagement with the
>media, dating back to the Great Awakening of the late eighteenth
>century. Today Evangelical groups are active in all media, from the
>Internet and cellular telephones to print journalism, broadcasting,
>film, and multi-media entertainment. This forum convenes speakers
>from the academy and Evangelical community to discuss the social and
>political impact of the evangelical movement's use of media technologies.
>Gary Schneeberger is special assistant for media relations to
><http://www.family.org/>Focus on the Family founder and chairman
>James Dobson. Schneeberger oversees the internal and external media
>efforts of the international evangelical ministry's Government and
>Public Policy Division as senior director of the radio program
>Family News in Focus, daily email service CitizenLink and Citizen magazine.
>Jon Walker is a communications consultant for Rick Warren and
><http://www.purposedrivenlife.com/>Purpose Driven Life ministries,
>and has served as pastor of strategic communications for Saddleback
>Church and vice president of story for Purpose Driven Initiatives.
>He is founding editor of Rick Warren's Ministry ToolBox and the
>principal author for a book on Christian community, Better Together.
>Winston holds the Knight Chair in Media and Religion in the
>Annenberg School of Communication at USC. She is the author of
>Red-Hot and Righteous: The Urban Religion of the Salvation Army
>(1999) and co-editor of Faith in the Market: Religion and the Rise
>of Urban Commercial Culture (2002).
>Moderator: The Rev. Amy McCreath is Episcopal chaplain and
>coordinator of the <http://web.mit.edu/tac>Technology and Culture
>Forum at MIT.
>[This forum was co-organized by Timothy Stoneman, a postdoctoral
>fellow in the MIT Program in Science, Technology, And Society.]
>Brad Seawell, Program Coordinator
>MIT Communications Forum
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Cambridge, MA 02139
>voice 617-253-3521
>fax 617-253-6105
>Cms-anno mailing list
>Cms-anno at mit.edu
Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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