[Sci-tech-public] Wednesday, October 18th: Dexter Sinister at CAVS

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 16 19:10:38 EDT 2006

>I've been asked to bring the following event to your attention:

>Center for Advanced Visual Studies / MIT’s 
>School of Architecture and Planning
>265 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd Fl / Cambridge MA 02139 /617 253 4415
>The Center for Advanced Visual Studies presents
>7:00 pm
>Dexter Sinister is the compound name of New 
>York-based designers David Reinfurt and Stuart 
>Bailey. David graduated from the University of 
>North Carolina in 1993, Yale University in 1999, 
>and formed O-R-G, a design studio in New York 
>City. Stuart graduated from the University of 
>Reading in 1994, the Werkplaats Typografie in 
>2000, and co-founded the arts journal Dot Dot Dot the same year.
>Dexter Sinister was established as a 
>fully-functioning print workshop for Manifesta 6 
>School, a temporary art school on the island of 
>Cyprus which was to take place in fall 2006. The 
>workshop was intended to model a "Just-In-Time" 
>economy of print production, running counter to 
>the contemporary assembly-line realities of 
>large-scale publishing — avoiding waste by 
>working on-demand, utilizing local cheap 
>machinery, considering alternate distribution 
>strategies, and collapsing distinctions of 
>editing, design, production and distribution 
>into one efficient activity. In spring 2006, the 
>entire project was cancelled for political 
>reasons. In summer 2006, Dexter Sinister 
>established a workshop and occasional bookstore 
>based on the same principles in a basement on 
>the Lower East Side in New York City.
>Over the next year, David will also research and 
>write a long-form article examining the work of 
>graphic designer Muriel Cooper (1926–1994), who, 
>following her tenure as Design Director of MIT 
>Press, co-founded (with Ron MacNeil) the Visible 
>Language Workshop at the MIT Media Lab.
>In the talk on October 18, DS will relate how 
>this thinking has begun to resonate in other 
>projects and address topics including heraldic 
>design, print economics, Henry Ford, 
>distribution, painting by telephone with Lazlo 
>Moholy-Nagy and the underground workshop at 38 Ludlow Street.
>The Center for Advanced Visual Studies is a 
>fellowship program that commissions and produces 
>new artworks and artistic research within the 
>context of MIT. A laboratory for 
>interdisciplinary art practice, the Center 
>facilitates exchange between internationally 
>known contemporary artists and MIT’s faculty, 
>students, and staff through public programs, 
>support for long-term art projects, and residencies for MIT students.
>Call 617 253 4415 for more information or to get involved.
>Thanks to the MIT Arts Council, the LEF 
>Foundation, the Milton and Sally Avery 
>Foundation, Rhizome.org, and the Loeb Fellowships at Harvard.
>Meg Rotzel
>Curatorial Associate
>Center for Advanced Visual Studies
>In the Office M,W,Th
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>265 Massachusetts Avenue
>Cambridge, MA 02139
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