[Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events -- Week of October 16th

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 12 16:38:32 EDT 2006

A schedule of events for the upcoming week is 
attached. Please join us on Monday, October 16th, for the STS Colloquium:

Public Engagement with Science and Technology: What Role for STS?

John Durant
For the past 20 years, STS scholars have had a 
role in helping shape the emerging field of 
public engagement with science and technology; 
indeed, the very name of this field today 
reflects the influence of this particular 
academic community. Given that public engagement 
is now the name of the game, I shall argue that 
STS scholars can contribute best at the next 
stage in the development of this field by 
themselves engaging actively – as advisors, 
evaluators, facilitators and/or active 
participants - in ongoing dialogue between 
scientists and citizens around key issues. Active 
scholarly engagement of this kind opens a wide 
field of opportunity for participatory research 
that is of direct relevance to the needs of the 
wider community. Consistent with this vision, I 
will propose an STS research and teaching 
initiative here at MIT that is actively engaged 
in the practical realities of public engagement 
with science and technology – not least, through 
partnership between the STS Program and the MIT Museum.

The talk will be held at 4:00 pm in E51-095.

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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