[Sci-tech-public] Modern Times, Rural Places seminar series at MIT 2006-2007

Margo Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Tue May 23 15:13:51 EDT 2006

Modern Times, Rural Places:
Seminar Series at MIT


Sessions from 2:30 to 4:30 PM
Building E51 Room 095
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

September 15                "Hunting and the Birth of Europe, AD 100-1100"
                                      Eric Goldberg, Williams College

October 6                      "The Guano Age:  Manure and the 
Nineteenth Century Agricultural Revolution"
                                      Gregory T. Cushman, University of Kansas

November 3                  "The Peasant in the City:  Immigration 
and Environmental Reform in Progressive America"
                            Adam Rome, Penn State University

February 23                  "In Cod We Trust:  Fishing, Subsistence 
Agriculture, and Climate Change, c. AD 900 to 1400"
                            Brian Fagan, University of California, 
Santa Barbara

March 16                       TBA
                                      David Blackbourn, Harvard University

April 6                           TBA
                            Patricia Limerick, University of Colorado

For more information, you may contact Margo Collett at 
<mailto:mcollett at mit.edu>mcollett at mit.edu.
This seminar series is sponsored by MIT's History Faculty and Program 
in Science, Technology,
and Society.
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