[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: post-doc in history of sci/tech and/or digital history

Hugh Gusterson guster at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 22 09:44:27 EST 2006

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2006 21:54:21 -0500
>From: Roy Rosenzweig <rrosenzw at gmu.edu>
>Subject: post-doc in history of sci/tech and/or digital history
>To: Roy Rosenzweig <rrosenzw at gmu.edu>
>X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.3)
>X-Spam-Score: -2.598
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>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>Dear Colleague--
>Apologies for the mass mailing. I hope you might alert students to the 
>post doc listed below.
>The position might be of particular interest to a student finishing up a 
>doctorate in history of science and technology and/or science, technology 
>studies. We are particularly interested in someone with energy and 
>creativity who would enjoy working with the team of people at the Center 
>for History and New Media. Experience with digital media is a plus but not 
>a requirement. In the past, these positions have been an excellent 
>springboard to tenure track teaching jobs.
>Roy Rosenzweig, Director, Center for History and New Media, roy at gmu.edu; 
>p.s. We also have openings for recent college grads as well as summer 
>internships; I have put those ads below as well.
>Post-Doc in History of Science & Technology and/or Digital History: This 
>is a one- to two-year position (depending on funding) at the rank of 
>Research Assistant Professor at the Center for History and New Media 
>(CHNM), which is closely affiliated with the Department of History and Art 
>History at George Mason University. A PhD or advanced ABD in History or a 
>closely related field is required. We are especially interested in people 
>with some or all of the following credentials, but they are not required 
>for the position: 1. experience in digital history or digital libraries; 
>2. strong technical background in new technology and new media; 3. 
>administrative and organizational experience; 4. background in the history 
>of science, technology, and industry, broadly defined. Please send letter 
>of application, CV or resume, and three letters of recommendation (or 
>dossier) to <mailto:chnm at gmu.edu>chnm at gmu.edu or Center for History and 
>New Media, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive MS 1E7, Fairfax, 
>VA 22030. Electronic submissions encouraged. Please use subject line 
>“Digital Historian.” We will begin considering applications 1 April, 2006.
>Other openings at the Center for History and New Media
>Webmaster and Technical Coordinator: The Center for History and New Media 
>(CHNM) at George Mason University (GMU) anticipates an opening in Summer 
>2006 for a Webmaster/ Technical Coordinator to maintain the CHNM server 
>and oversee the CHNM computer lab. This is a permanent classified staff 
>position that is particularly appropriate for someone with combined 
>interest in technology and history. We are seeking an energetic, 
>responsible, well-organized person who is equally able to work 
>independently, as part of a team, and as a supervisor. Specific background 
>and experience is less important than the ability to learn new technical 
>skills quickly. But knowledge of some combination of the following would 
>be particularly helpful: scripting languages (especially PHP); 
>database-driven web applications (especially using MySQL); command-line 
>configuration of Red Hat Linux and Apache; web design (CSS, Dreamweaver, 
>Photoshop); and Mac and Windows operating systems. In addition to 
>overseeing a Red Hat Linux server, the Webmaster will help develop web 
>database applications, construct websites, purchase and maintain software 
>and hardware for the lab, and supervise part-time staff. Salary: $35-39K 
>plus excellent benefits. Please email resume, three references, links to 
>prior web-based work, and cover letter about technology background and 
>interest in history to <mailto:chnm at gmu.edu>chnm at gmu.edu. Please use 
>subject line “Webmaster.” We will begin considering applications on 
>4/15/2006 and continue until the position is filled.
>Web Developer: The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason 
>University anticipates an entry-level opening for a web and multimedia 
>developer in Summer 2006. We require an energetic and well-organized 
>person to work on a variety of innovative, web-based history projects. 
>This is a grant-funded, one-to-two-year position that is particularly 
>appropriate for someone with a combined interest in technology and 
>history. Specific background and experience is less important than the 
>ability to learn new technical skills quickly. But knowledge of some 
>combination of the following would be particularly helpful: web-database 
>applications (MySQL and PHP), web design (CSS, Dreamweaver, Photoshop), 
>multimedia (Flash, including ActionScript), and Final Cut Pro. Salary: 
>$34K plus excellent benefits. Please email resume, three references, links 
>to any prior web-based work (or programming examples), and a cover letter 
>about technology background and interest in history to 
><mailto:chnm at gmu.edu>chnm at gmu.edu. Please use subject line “web 
>developer.” We will begin considering applications on 4/15/2006 and 
>continue until the position is filled.
>Summer Intern – Humanities Computing/History & New Media: The Center for 
>History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University is seeking a 
>creative, energetic, well-rounded, and well-organized college student for 
>an 8-12 week paid summer internship in 2006 at a leading digital history 
>center. We are particularly interested in someone with experience 
>developing web-database applications (e.g. in MySQL and PHP). This is an 
>especially good opportunity for someone with a combined interest in 
>computing and history. Current enrollment as college undergraduate and 
>strong grades are essential. Please send resume and cover letter with 
>subject line: humanities computing internship” to 
><mailto:chnm at gmu.edu>chnm at gmu.edu. We will begin considering applications 
>on 3/15/06 and will continue until the position is filled.
>About CHNM: Since 1994, the Center for History and New Media 
><<http://chnm.gmu.edu/>http://chnm.gmu.edu/> at George Mason University 
>has used digital media and computer technology to change the ways that 
>people—scholars, students, and the general public—learn about and use the 
>past. We do that by bringing together the most exciting and innovative 
>digital media with the latest and best historical scholarship. We believe 
>that serious scholarship and cutting edge multimedia can be combined to 
>promote an inclusive and democratic understanding of the past as well as a 
>broad historical literacy that fosters deep understanding of the most 
>complex issues about the past and present. CHNM's work has been 
>internationally recognized for cutting-edge work in history and new media. 
>Located in Fairfax, Virginia, CHNM is only 15 miles from Washington, DC 
>and accessible by public transportation.

Hugh Gusterson,  Associate Professor

Anthropology Department
MIT, 16-247
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-7270 (TEL)
617-253-5363 (FAX)


Program on Science, Technology and Society
MIT, E51-296F
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-7679 (TEL)
617-258-8118 (FAX)

guster at mit.edu

website: http://mit.edu/anthropology/faculty_staff/gusterson/index.html

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