[Sci-tech-public] Schedule of Events and information about STS Colloquium on March 20

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 16 19:56:45 EST 2006

STS Colloquium -- Monday, March 20th

Visual Culture in an Emerging Market:  Perception, Consumption, Politics

Arvind Rajagopal, New York University

4:00 pm, MIT, E51-095

As the political project of making modern citizens in India is 
threatened by the legitimation crisis of the political process on the 
one hand, and the ascendancy of Hindu nationalism and caste-based 
parties on the other, the pedagogical task of the developmental state 
has  increasingly been taken up through the market itself. With the 
disintegration of an earlier secular consensus, and the ascendancy of 
a neo-liberal regime, the market became both a means and a model for 
renewing the political process. In my paper, drawing from examples of 
visual culture between the mid 1980s and 2004, I will trace the 
interaction of different  practices located in various institutional 
sites, e.g., advertising, commercial and documentary cinema, to map 
the changing techniques of the market as the political context itself 
shifts over time. My aim in this paper is to clarify the 
methodologies appropriate to understanding visual culture in a 
comparative and global context.

Arvind Rajagopal is an Associate Professor in the Department of 
Communication and Culture at New York University.  His interests 
include political economy of culture, contemporary South Asia, social 
theory, audiences and reception theory, and globalization. He is the 
author of Politics after Television: Religious Nationalism and the 
Retailing of Hinduness (Cambridge, 2001); Guest Editor of Social Text 
No. 68, on Technologies of Perception and the Cultures of 
Globalization; Coauthor of Mapping Hegemony: Television News and 
Industrial Conflict (1992) and several articles in scholarly journals.

Please join us on Monday!

Debbie Meinbresse
STS Program, MIT
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