[Sci-tech-public] Cities Reading Group

Shekhar Krishnan shekhar at MIT.EDU
Mon Feb 13 02:45:26 EST 2006

Dear All:

Mike Fischer and I will be convening a fortnightly reading course on cities and social theory, beginning this Wednesday from 4.00-7.00 p.m. and meeting every other week at the same time. 

See the reading lists on http://urban.media.mit.edu  We haven't yet decided on the areas of focus, which are broadly divided into industrialiation-deindustrialisation processes on the one hand, and the production of urban form and spatial practices on the other hand. We will discuss this further in the first meeting on Wednesday. Please join us if you are interested in participating in the group. 



Shekhar Krishnan
Apt.302, Edgerton House
143, Albany Street
Cambridge, MA 02139


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