Jane Zhu jzhu at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Apr 25 09:14:53 EDT 2006


Department of the History of Science

Etienne Benson, HSSTS, MIT
"Territorializing wildlife: animal behavior, international conservation, 
and the politics of space during the Cold War"

Abstract:  Etienne will focus on a case study of tiger research in Nepal's 
Royal Chitwan National Park in the 1970s, in the context of the broad 
themes of his dissertation proposal.  These include how scientists' 
understandings of animals' use of space influenced conservation policies, 
and how, in order to produce those understandings, scientists themselves 
had to create and negotiate various human territorial boundaries -- e.g., 
the borders between national parks and surrounding agricultural areas, the 
borders between 'research sites' and 'tourist attractions', or the borders 
between nations in the context of Cold War geopolitics and decolonization. 
This is related to previous work Etienne has done on the history of radio- 
and satellite-tracking tracking techniques in wildlife biology, which he 
will discuss in passing.

Wednesday April 26, 2006, 12:30-2:00, Science Center 469
Sandwich Lunch Provided

Please RSVP to Jane Zhu: <mailto:jzhu at fas.harvard.edu>jzhu at fas.harvard.edu

Thank you
Jane Zhu
Faculty Assistant
History of Science Department
Science Center 371
1 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA  02138

Phone: (617) 384-5800
Fax:     (617) 495-3344

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