[Sci-tech-public] The Bale; April/May and April E-calendar

Amy B. Donovan adonovan at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 10 16:41:59 EDT 2006

~ The Bale ~
(Bale=A compacted and bound cube of recycled material.)
An informative and inspirational E-newsletter from the Working Group 
Recycling Committee to MIT Recycling Ambassadors, MIT staff, and the MIT 

The Working Group Recycling Committee invites you to read the April/May 
issue of The Bale, now posted on our website at:

This issue features information on:
    * MIT's Earth Day Celebration 2006: Thursday April 27, 10AM- 4PM, at 
the Stata Center...Page 1
    * Top Ten Things YOU can do this Earth Day to "Work Green at 
MIT".....Page 1
    * Stuff Fest: Give Stuff, Get Stuff!.....Page 2
    * Reuse Your Bike at MIT and Beyond.....Page 3
    * Recyclemania Update.....Page 3
    * Office Depot Recycled Paper Update.....Page 4
    * May is Go Green Month in Cambridge.....Page 4

The Campus-Wide Environmental Calendar: A Collaboration for 2006 and Beyond

The April 2006 desktop calendar features MIT's Celebration of Earth Day! To 
download WGR's monthly E-calendar, go to: 

Join us at MIT's Earth Day Celebration 2006: Thursday April 27 at the Stata 
Center! http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/earthday.html
Volunteers are needed! To sign up for a one hour shift, contact WGR member 
Carla Yadisernia <carlay at MIT.EDU>
~ Please forward ~

Amy Donovan
Co-Chair, Working Group Recycling Committee (WGR) 
Editor, The Bale http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/monthly_bale.shtml
adonovan at mit.edu

The mission of the MIT Working Group Recycling Committee is to develop and 
deliver programs that educate administrative and support staff about 
recycling, reducing and reusing goods. Efforts include 
identifying/addressing gaps in staff understanding about recycling as well 
as gaps in recycling resources and creating ways to increase recycling at MIT.

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