[Sci-tech-public] Ivory Tower Working Group -- Laboratory Design Goes Corporate

Kara Swanson kswanson at fas.harvard.edu
Wed Apr 5 21:06:05 EDT 2006

The Ivory Tower Working Group is pleased to bring you:

*Bill Rankin*, who will discuss:

*Management and Modernism: Laboratory Design Goes Corporate, 1938-1960*

*Thursday, April 13th, 12:30-2, Science Center 252*

Who cares about architecture?  or rather-- in the middle of the 20th 
century, why did scientists (and science managers) turn to modernist 
architects to design their laboratories?  How should we understand these 
modernist buildings -- buildings that by the 1950s housed the research 
of almost all major corporate and governmental labs?  What does it mean 
that they were "modernist"?  doesn't modernism just mean "functionalism"?

On *Thu**rsday, April 13th*, Bill Rankin will answer all these questions 
and more.   He will be speaking about the design of corporate 
laboratories and the relationship between architecture and management -- 
especially the problem of managing knowledge workers within large 
corporations.  Come ready for some action-packed interdisciplinary fun: 
he will discuss individual laboratories with respect to the profession 
of architecture; he will likewise place the discourse of architectural 
modernism within the context of the management and design ideas of 
scientists and science administrators! (And there will be a free lunch!)

If you would like to eat, *please RSVP* to ben at 
jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu>

Kara W. Swanson, B.S., M.A., J.D.
Ph.D. Candidate
History of Science 
Harvard University 
Science Center 371
Cambridge, MA 02138
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu

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