[Sci-tech-public] Einstein film screening on Monday (26 Sept)

David Kaiser dikaiser at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 21 17:30:27 EDT 2005

Hello, all,

There will be a "sneak peak" screening of a new NOVA documentary film 
about Einstein and the history of E=mc^2 this coming Monday (26 
September) at the Boston Public Library, followed by a panel 
discussion.  The event is free and open to the public -- come one, 
come all!

Monday, 26 September
Rabb Lecture Hall
Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street (Copley Square)


David Kaiser		dikaiser at mit.edu
Associate Professor
Program in Science, Technology, & Society
and Lecturer, Department of Physics
Building E51-185
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Phone: 617 452-3173	Fax: 617 258-8118
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