[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: [History] Fwd: Call For Papers -- Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History

Elizabeth Wood elizwood at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 12 09:46:58 EDT 2005

Hello, dear colleagues,
         I thought you might want to pass this on to your graduate students.
                         With all best wishes, Elizabeth

>Subject: Call For Papers -- Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's 
>and Gender History
>>Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:18:15 -0500
>>From: "Symposium" <gendersymp at ad.uiuc.edu>
>>To: <gendersymp at uiuc.edu>
>>The Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium
>>on Women's and Gender History
>>University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>>March 9-11, 2006
>>The Executive Committee of the Seventh Annual Graduate Symposium on 
>>Women's and Gender History at the University of Illinois at 
>>Urbana-Champaign announces a call for papers. The Symposium, which is 
>>part of activities on campus in recognition of Women's History Month, is 
>>scheduled for March 9-11, 2006. To celebrate and encourage further work 
>>in the field of women's and gender history, we invite submissions from 
>>graduate students from any institution and discipline on topics in 
>>women's and gender history that address the theme of "Mobility." Papers 
>>or panels may address, but should not be limited to the following:
>>·         Performativity and the Body
>>·         Cosmopolitanisms
>>·         Boundaries and Restraints: Material and Imagined
>>·         Intra- and Trans-national flows of goods and ideas
>>·         Social Mobility
>>·         The Construction and Experience of Public and Private Spaces
>>·         Globalization and Feminist Theory
>>We welcome papers on any historical subject that might grow out of a 
>>variety of disciplines and engage diverse methodologies. We also invite 
>>panel submissions consisting of three papers, although each of the three 
>>papers will be judged on its individual merit. In addition, we encourage 
>>papers and panels analyzing the state of the field in women's and gender 
>>history. Preference will be given to scholars who did not present a paper 
>>at last year's Sixth Annual Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History.
>>We are pleased to announce that Jennifer L. Morgan, Associate Professor 
>>of History and Women's and Gender Studies at Rutgers, The State 
>>University of New Jersey and author of Laboring Women: Reproduction and 
>>Gender in New World Slavery (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004) will 
>>deliver the keynote address, "Accounting for the Women in Slavery: 
>>Demography and Epistemology in Early African American History" on 
>>Thursday, March 9th.
>>We are also thrilled to announce that the journal Gender & History will 
>>again be sponsoring a prize for the best graduate student paper presented 
>>at the Symposium. Presenters at the conference will also have the 
>>opportunity to publish their work in the on-line proceedings volume.
>>We have limited funds available to assist with the cost of travel for 
>>presenters who have limited conference experience. These funds will be 
>>allocated based on the quality of the proposal and the distance to be traveled.
>>All submissions must be received by November 1, 2005.
>>To submit a paper or panel in a hard copy format, please send five (5) 
>>copies of a 250-word abstract AND a one-page curriculum vitae for EACH 
>>paper presenter, commentator, or panel chair to:
>>Programming Committee
>>Graduate Symposium on Women's and Gender History
>>309 Gregory Hall, MC 466
>>810 South Wright Street
>>Urbana, Illinois 61801
>>To submit a paper or panel by email, please send ONLY ONE attachment in 
>>Word format containing all abstracts and curriculum vitae. The subject 
>>line of the email must read "Attn: Programming Committee" and should be 
>>sent to gendersymp at uiuc.edu <mailto:gendersymp at uiuc.edu> . We cannot be 
>>responsible for submissions that do not meet these conditions.
>>Panel submissions are highly encouraged to find chairs and commentators 
>>best suited to comment on the work presented and should include a 
>>one-paragraph description of the panel as well as curriculum vitae for 
>>all participants including the commentator and/or chair.
>>We also invite graduate students to serve as commentators and professors 
>>to serve as chairs for panels. These individuals should submit curriculum 
>>vitae to gendersymp at uiuc.edu with the subject line: Attn: Programming 
>>For more information:
>>Please contact Programming Committee Chair James Warren at 
>>gendersymp at uiuc.edu
>>Visit our website at 
>Maria DiMauro
>Administrative Officer
>History Faculty, MIT
>phone: 617.253.4943
>fax: 617.258.7900
>History mailing list
>History at mit.edu

Elizabeth A. Wood, Director
M.I.T. Program in Women's Studies
Bldg. 14E-316
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-8844
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