[Sci-tech-public] Steven Shapin at the Ivory Tower Working Group

Kara Swanson kswanson at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Oct 11 11:02:12 EDT 2005

Please join us for the inaugural meeting of the Ivory Tower Working 
Group on Oct 20th, Noon, Science Center 252, Harvard University.
At which Harvard's own Steven Shapin will discuss his current work on:

"The Scientific Entrepreneur: Money, Motives and the Place of Virtue"

Lunch will be served.  The text will be made available by Oct 13th in 
the History of Science Department, on the fourth floor of the Science 
Center, outside the Graduate Lounge.
/The purpose of the ITWG is to provide a forum for the discussion of the 
linked issues concerning historical and present-day relations between 
the university, science, technology, business, industry, and government. 
These include, but are not confined to, questions about the historical 
development of patterns currently characterizing such relations, the 
similarities and differences between the practice of science within 
industry and academia, the effects of commercialization, intellectual 
property, and technology transfer on the university and academic 
science, the nature of scientific entrepreneurship and the scientific 
life in entrepreneurial settings, and the place of ethical discussions 
and legal regulations in these configurations.
Please RSVP to Ben Hurlbut at jhurlbut at fas.harvard.edu

The ITWG will meet every other Thursday, beginning Oct 20th.  If you are 
unable to attend on the 20th, but would be like to be included on our 
email list, please let us know.

Please circulate this announcement widely.

Kara W. Swanson, B.S., M.A., J.D.
Ph.D. Candidate
History of Science 
Harvard University 
Science Center 371
Cambridge, MA 02138
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu

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