[Sci-tech-public] Life Sciences/Environmental Sciences Working Group, Dec. 5, noon

Kara Swanson kswanson at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Nov 29 15:45:27 EST 2005

*The following invitation is from Prof. Everett Mendelsohn:

Join us for a lunch meeting of the LIFE SCIENCES/ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 
WORKING GROUP on Monday Dec. 5 at 12:00 noon in Science Center Room 469. 
Please RSVP to Jane Zhu: jzhu at fas.harvard.edu <mailto:jzhu at fas.harvard.edu>
        The working group has been dormant this Fall largely due to my 
being on Medical leave. I am back now and would like to have an informal 
session. We can discuss what is happening now in historical studies of 
biology and environment. What article or book have you read which we 
should all know about. We have plans for formal sessions in the next 
weeks/months including talks by Luis Campos, a graduate student in our 
department who is completing his dissertation on biology and 
radioactivity; also Dr. Henning Schmidgen, a visiting professor in our 
department whose work focuses on the nature of experiment in the 
physiological and psychological sciences.

    If you cannot make the meeting, but would like to be on the LS/ESWG 
mailing list, and/or have work in progress you would like present to the 
group in the spring term, please contact Kara Swanson, 
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu.

Kara W. Swanson, B.S., M.A., J.D.
Ph.D. Candidate
History of Science 
Harvard University 
Science Center 371
Cambridge, MA 02138
kswanson at fas.harvard.edu

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