[Sci-tech-public] Joe Dumit wins book prize

Wed Nov 23 16:45:02 EST 2005

This just in from David Hess and the CASTAC (Committee on the 
Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing) of the American 
Anthropological Association

>>The Diana Forsythe Prize committee has awarded the 2003 prize to 
>>Cori Hayden for When Nature Goes Public and the 2005 prize to Joe 
>>Dumit for Picturing Personhood.  Congratulations to Cori and Joe.
>>The Diana Forsythe Prize was created in 1998 to celebrate the best 
>>book or series of published articles in the spirit of Diana 
>>Forsythe's feminist anthropological research on work, science, 
>>and/or technology, including biomedicine.  It is awarded every two 
>>years at the meeting of the American Anthropological Association by 
>>a committee consisting of one representative from the Society for 
>>the Anthropology of Work and two from the Committee on the 
>>Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC).
>>The prize will be awarded at the CASTAC meeting in Virginia B on 
>>Saturday, Dec. 3, between 12:15 and 1:30pm.
>>Additional information:  Ron Eglash will have a statement on ID to 
>>discuss at the meeting.
>>CafJam at aol.com  Chris Furman is looking for a room to share for 
>>Friday and Saturday night.
>>--David Hess
>>David J. Hess, Ph.D.
>>Professor, Science and Technology Studies Department
>>Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
>>110 8th St.  Sage Building 5th Floor
>>Troy NY 12180-3590
518 276 8509 (office)

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