[Sci-tech-public] History Lecturer seeking housing for Fall 2005

Mabel Chin mchin at MIT.EDU
Wed May 11 12:06:17 EDT 2005

History Lecturer seeking housing Fall 2005

Looking for someone to stay in your apartment or house this fall?  I live 
in New York and will be teaching Japanese History at MIT on Tuesdays and 
Thursdays, so I am looking for a place to stay midweek during the Fall 2005 
semester.  I am happy to water plants or do any other household keeping-up 
while you are gone.  I don't smoke, and I'm very neat and clean.  And I 
will be in New York every week from Friday through Monday, so you'd always 
be able to come home on the weekends.

Please email me at jra77 at columbia.edu or call me at 973-420-4319.

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