[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: BBC and WBUR at Kresge May 14

Sarah Merrow sarahma at MIT.EDU
Mon May 9 11:39:20 EDT 2005

>BBC Television and WBUR Radio
>will tape discussions for broadcast on
>"Forced Labor in the Global Economy"
>Saturday May 14, 2005
>MIT's Kresge Auditorium
>8:45 a.m. - noon
>Presented by the MIT Program on Human Rights and Justice at MIT's Center 
>for International Studies and by the BBC World Service Trust
>Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
>We ask audience members to arrive promptly---by 8:45 a.m.---to accommodate 
>the broadcast taping schedule. Guests will be instructed to turn off all 
>cellphones and beepers during the taping of the two programs.  (There will 
>be a 15-minute break between the two.)
>Though many of us would like to think of forced labor as a practice of the 
>past, the unfortunate reality is that millions of people are still victims 
>of this gross human rights violation. Despite the fact that many would 
>like to see the globalization process become more fair and equitable, the 
>forced labor issue is
>the focus of insufficient public policy and media attention.
>This MIT event is designed to raise awareness. It will also raise 
>questions about how exactly to define forced labor, how big a problem it 
>is, and who should deal with it and how.  The event will occur shortly 
>after the release of a major report on the topic by the International 
>Labor Organization.
>BBC World's The World Debate, hosted by Zeinab Badawi, reaches 258 million 
>homes worldwide.  This program on forced labor will also be distributed in 
>the U.S. by public television.
>WBUR's On Point is hosted by Tom Ashbrook, a former deputy managing editor 
>of the Boston Globe, and is distributed to NPR stations across the United 
>Scheduled panelists include:
>Regina Abrami
>Harvard Business School
>Kevin Bales
>President, Free the Slaves
>Jagdish Bhagwati
>University Professor of Economics and Political Science, Columbia University
>Author of In Defense of Globalization
>Jean-Robert Câdet
>Author of Restavec: From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American
>Adjunct Lecturer in French at the University of Cincinnati
>Terry Collingsworth
>Executive Director, International Labor Rights Fund
>Steven Law
>U.S. Deputy Secretary of Labor
>Roger Plant
>Head of the Special Action Program to Combat Forced Labor, International 
>Labor Organization
>Additional details are available at:
>Map of MIT's Kresge Auditorium:
>The auditorium is a 5- to 10-minute walk from the Kendall Square "T" stop 
>(red line)
>Free parking is available at MIT's West Garage and West Annex Lot:
>More about getting to MIT, including bus, driving and parking information:
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