[Sci-tech-public] Fw: Fwd: Town Hall Meeting - Main Group Renovation Project

Deb Fairchild dlfair at tmo.blackberry.net
Sat May 7 08:31:33 EDT 2005

FYI...   -Deb

-----Original Message-----
From: "Douglas W. Pfeiffer" <dwp at MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 10:13:27 
To:alterra at mit.edu, bkdavis at mit.edu, rmurray at mit.edu, dlfair at mit.edu,       emmh at mit.edu, janice at mit.edu, jhlyons at mit.edu, kgriffin at mit.edu,       kducharm at mit.edu, mdimauro at mit.edu, edel at mit.edu, nlowe at mit.edu,       rosieb at mit.edu, smannett at mit.edu, susanne at mit.edu
Subject: Fwd: Town Hall Meeting - Main Group Renovation Project

FYI.  -doug

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>From: "William J. Anderson, Jr." <wja3 at PLANT.MIT.EDU>
>To: "Pdsi-Access (pdsi-access at mit.edu)" <pdsi-access at mit.edu>,
>    "Pdsi-Admin (pdsi-admin at mit.edu)" <pdsi-admin at mit.edu>,
>    "Pdsi-Build (pdsi-build at mit.edu)" <pdsi-build at mit.edu>,
>    "Pdsi-Users (pdsi-users at mit.edu)" <pdsi-users at mit.edu>, graposa at mit.edu
>Cc: "William J. Anderson, Jr." <wja3 at PLANT.MIT.EDU>,
>    John Hawes
>         <jhawes at PLANT.MIT.EDU>
>Subject: Town Hall Meeting - Main Group Renovation Project
>Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 13:35:24 -0400
>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.72)
>X-Spam-Score: -4.9
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>A special Town Hall Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 12 from 11-12 in
>Room 6-120.  The purpose of the meeting is to brief the MIT community on a
>major renovation project in Buildings 4, 6, and 8 of the Main Group.  This
>project will provide new and renovated space for the departments of Physics,
>Materials Sciences and Engineering, and Spectroscopy as well as significant
>infrastructure renewal for much of the Main Group.   The project is
>scheduled to begin in June and will last 18 months.  While this first major
>renovation of the historic Bosworth complex will provide much needed
>benefits to the Institute, construction activities will create some
>disruption and inconvenience.  The Town Hall meeting is designed to give the
>MIT community an overview of the scope of the project, to review the
>schedule, and to discuss construction impacts.  An overview of the project
>is attached to this email.
>Mr. Jim Collins President of Payette Associates Architects and the
>Facilities Department staff will provide a briefing of the details of this
>project and how it fits in context with the Main Group master plan.  Robert
>Silbey (Dean of the School of Science), Marc Kastner (Chair of Physics), and
>Bill Anderson (Chief Facilities Officer) will be present to provide
>additional information and to answer questions.
>I request that Department Heads or Administrative Officers distribute this
>email to members of their departments strongly encouraging all interested
>community members to attend.
>Thank you,
>Bill Anderson
>William J. Anderson, Jr., P.E.
>Chief Facilities Officer

Douglas W. Pfeiffer
Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
phone: 617-253-3470
fax: 617-253-3451

Sent wirelessly via BlackBerry from T-Mobile.
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