[Sci-tech-public] Apollo Student Project Presentations

David Mindell mindell at MIT.EDU
Tue May 3 22:26:22 EDT 2005

Please join us for final project presentations by students in the MIT course:

"Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System."  (16.895J 
/ ESD.30J / STS.471J )

Each presentation is by a group of students who have spent half of 
the term analyzing the engineering and development of one of the 
Apollo subsystems -- and studying how the problems would be solved 
with today's technology. The groups will make 25 minute presentations 
with time afterwards for questions and discussion.

(please note the different rooms for the two days)

Monday, May 9:  MIT Room 33-116, 1-3pm
Guidance and Control (Students: Iliana Davidi, Elwin Ong, Katherine 
Allen, Robbie Allen)
Architecture (Bill Simmons, Matti Kinnunen, Spencer Lewis)
Propulsion (Aaron Bell, Dave Schiller, Roberto Bruno, Enrique Garcia, 
Brad Peterson)

Wednesday, May 11  MIT Marlar Lounge (room 37-252), 1-3pm.
Training & Simulation (Soumjyajit Mandal, Jeremie Pouly, Jessica 
Edmonds, Kevin Duda)
Lunar Science Experiments (Carlos Pinedo, Lennon Rodgers, Alex Hayes, 
Larry McGlynn)
Lunar Rover (Garrett Barter, Caroline Lamb)

We look forward to seeing you there!

David A. Mindell
Dibner Professor
of the History of Engineering and Manufacturing
Professor of Engineering Systems

Larry Young
Apollo Program Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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