[Sci-tech-public] Harvard History of Science lecture at MIT Museum, May 5

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Mon May 2 08:43:20 EDT 2005

>To: all-hs at fas.harvard.edu, events-hs at fas.harvard.edu
>From: Liza Zwiebach <lzwiebac at fas.harvard.edu>
>>Please Save the Date for this Event!
>>A Lecture about the Ships of the Ming Dynasty
>>Before Columbus, the Ming Dynasty sent hundreds of ships
>>on expeditions far beyond the China Sea.
>>These ships were unlike any armada ever seen before.
 Why do we know so little about these ocean exploration fleets?
 Were these the largest wooden ships ever built?
 Did one of the fleets cross the Pacific Ocean?
 Can technology help unravel these mysteries?
>>You are invited to attend a special lecture by
>>Dr. Jin Wu
>>Distinguished Professor of Ocean Engineering,
>>National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
>>Former Minister of Education, Republic of China
>>Thursday, May 5th
>>MIT Museum
>>265 Mass Ave., Cambridge
>>Building N52 - 2nd Floor
>>Free Admission
>>Reception to follow
>>Lecture co-sponsored by 13Seas Student Organization,
>>MIT Museum, and the Graduate Student Council.
>>Claire Calcagno, D.Phil. Archaeology
>>Dibner Postdoctoral Fellow
>>Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
>>M.I.T.  E56-100, 38 Memorial Drive
>>Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
>>(617) 258.8198 - work
>>(617) 253.9858 - fax
>>(781) 395.4199 - home
>><clairec at mit.edu>
>>"Work hard, tell everybody everything you know,
>>close a deal with a handshake,  and have fun."
>>(Doc Edgerton)
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