[Sci-tech-public] TODAY -- Angela Creager gives colloquium presentation @ Harvard

Debbie Meinbresse meinbres at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 25 11:31:56 EST 2005

>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 08:41:19 -0500
>To: all-hs at fas.harvard.edu, events-hs at fas.harvard.edu
>From: Liza Zwiebach <lzwiebac at fas.harvard.edu>
>Subject: [events-hs] reminder - colloquium presentation TODAY
>Greetings, all - Professor Angela Creager of Princeton will be giving her
>presentation ("Biology in the Atomic Age: The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission's
>Radioisotope Program") this afternoon at 4:00, in Harvard's Science Center 
>room 469.
>Hope to see you there!

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