[Sci-tech-public] IAP TUESDAY - TPP seminar on Nuclear Proliferation & Terrorism

Renee Robins rrobins at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 21 09:50:51 EST 2005

*****Final Seminar of the Technology and Policy Program IAP 2005 
Seminar Series*****

Tuesday, January 11th

	Relying on Nuclear Energy Without Spreading the Bomb --
Or Offering Terrorists Targets
Matthew Bunn
Senior Research Associate
Harvard University Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

Noon - 1:30 pm

This seminar addresses the linkage between civilian nuclear energy 
technologies and the spread of nuclear weapons, and offers a number 
of metrics for judging technical and institutional proposals to break 
this linkage.  The talk will also briefly address the danger of 
terrorist theft of nuclear materials and sabotage of nuclear 
facilities, and how it might be addressed.  Matthew Bunn, a 
recognized expert on security issues related to nuclear stockpiles 
and currently Senior Research Associate in the Managing the Atom 
Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs in 
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, is also 
pursuing the TMP Doctoral degree here at MIT.

Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.


IAP 2005

Issues in Technology and Policy Seminar Series

Sponsored by the Technology and Policy Program
Tuesdays, Noon - 1:30 pm


Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.

For further information contact Renee Robins, rrobins at mit.edu


Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, MIT Technology and Policy Program
Associate Program Director for M.Phil. Programs, Cambridge-MIT Institute
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)
(617) 452-2599  (fax)
rrobins at mit.edu (email)
http://tppserver.mit.edu (TPP web)
http://www.cambridge-mit.org (CMI web)
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