[Sci-tech-public] visiting scholar needs accommodation

Hugh Gusterson guster at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 7 10:31:57 EST 2005

Brian Balmer, a historian of science who teaches at University College, 
London, will be visiting STS from February 22 to March 22.  He is looking 
for accommodation convenient to MIT for that month, if anyone knows of any 
that's available.  I can vouch for the fact that he's a very responsible 
person.  Please contact Brian directly at b.balmer at ucl.ac.uk.


Hugh Gusterson

Associate Professor of Anthropology & Science Studies
Anthropology Department
MIT, 16-247
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7270 (tel)
(617) 253-5363 (fax)
guster at mit.edu

website: http://mit.edu/anthropology/faculty_staff/gusterson/index.html

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