[Sci-tech-public] Events this week and next: The Future of Food and Agriculture

Sarah Johnstone sjohnsto at wi.mit.edu
Mon Feb 28 14:40:52 EST 2005

The MIT Technology and Culture Forum present:

The Future of Food and Agriculture

The Fate of Agricultural Subsidies
Thursday, March 3		7:00 p.m. 	Room 3-270 (MIT)
	Speakers include: 	Barry Goodwin (North Carolina State University)
					Barrett Kirwan (Cornell University)
					Tim Wise (Tufts University)
					Judith Tendler (MIT), moderator

Beyond Agribusiness: New Models for Agricultural Production
Thursday, March 10		7:00 p.m.  	Room 3-270 (MIT)
	Speakers include:		Brian Donahue (Brandeis University)
					Frederick Kirschenmann (Iowa State University)
					Kathleen Merrigan (Tufts University)
					Deborah Fitzgerald (MIT), moderator

Innovations in Food Production: Feeding the Global Poor
Tuesday, April 26		7:00 p.m.  Room 3-270 (MIT)
	Featuring: 			Pedro Sanchez (Columbia University)

Sponsored by the MIT Office of the Dean of Graduate Students
Please visit web.mit.edu/tac for more information.
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