[Sci-tech-public] Upcoming STS Event - Feb. 11 at KSG

Kartika_Palar@harvard.edu Kartika_Palar at harvard.edu
Wed Feb 2 17:47:03 EST 2005

Apologies for cross-postings...

Please open the Word file attachment, or read below for a description of
this upcoming joint workshop sponsored by the Harvard and MIT STS programs.

(See attached file: New Forms of Life. poster.doc)

               The Science, Technology and Society Programs
                              Harvard and MIT
           A Joint Workshop at the Kennedy School of Government

  New Forms of Life: Practices and Consequences of Envisioning Biological

                  Friday, February 11, 2005, 10 AM – 5 PM
                        Carr Center Conference Room
                            Rubenstein Building

Central to the development of modern biology are increasingly sophisticated
instruments   and   techniques   for  representing  to  the  human  senses,
particularly to the eye, biological processes that have not previously been
accessible  to  the  sight  or  the  mind.  This interdisciplinary workshop
investigates  the  kinds  of  distortions,  displacements, corrections, and
further   mediations  entailed  by  these  developments.   Central  to  the
presentations  is  the  transmission of images and image sequences from the
scientific  workplace  to  various  interpretive  domains, from journals to
courtrooms.   Through  examples ranging from astrobiology to brain imaging,
and   drawing   on   disciplines   including  anthropology,  history,  law,
neuroscience, and STS, speakers will reflect on the challenges and tensions
of  making  such  representations  in forms that are interpretable by wider
audiences,  both  within  and  beyond the sciences.  The workshop will help
illuminate what a new generation of biological representations means to our
thinking about life, the brain, consciousness, and being human

 Natasha Myers (MIT), “Molecular Embodiments: Interactive Graphics and the
                      Body-work of Protein Modeling”

Chris Kelty and Hannah Landecker (Rice University):“A Theory of Animation:
                       Cells, L-systems, and Film.”

       Stefan Helmreich (MIT): “The Signature of Life: Designing the
                       Astrobiological Imagination”

    Alan Jasanoff (MIT), “Functional Brain Imaging: Present and Future”

Joseph Dumit (MIT), “The Persistence of Brain Images: Conventional Extremes
                             and Stereotypes”

 Laurence Tancredi (New York University), “My Brain Made Me Do It: Imaging
                              as Absolution”
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