[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Invitation to a special lecture

Deborah Fairchild dlfair at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 29 08:38:26 EDT 2005

>600 years ago, China commissioned one of the worlds most impressive fleets 
>of sailing ships to ply the oceans and explore far beyond the China 
>Sea.  Some of these ships were of immense proportions and, to this day, 
>boggle our minds.
>How was such a feat possible?
>Why do we know so little about the first ocean exploration fleets?
>Can technology help unravel some of these mysteries?
>Find out more about this subject during a special lecture:
>The Worlds First Ocean Exploration Fleet of
>Chinas Ming Dynasty
>Thursday, May 5th
>MIT Museum (N52)
>  Free Admission
>Reception to follow
>special guest lecture by
>Dr. Jin Wu
>Distinguished Professor of Ocean Engineering,
>National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
>Former Minister of Education, Republic of China
>This lecture is co-sponsored by 13Seas Student Organization, MIT Museum, 
>and the GSC.
>For more information, please visit 

Deborah L. Fairchild
Administrative Officer
Program in Science, Technology and Society
dlfair at mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 253-4084
Fax:    (617) 258-8118 
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