[Sci-tech-public] Critical | Digital Presents: PICON! TERZIDIS! KAKOUDAKI! CONLEY! SEAMAN!

Amber Jamilla Musser musser at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Apr 28 09:43:46 EDT 2005

Critical | Digital, a GSD Student Forum group, in conjunction with the
History of Science Department Presents:

Join us for a rousing series of round table discussions exploring the
intersection between science, technology & design with a special focus on
new media/interactive media technologies to be held at the Graduate School
of Design, Harvard University.

Thursday, April 28 (Stubbins, 6PM-8PM) - refreshments provided

Kostas Terzidis:
Despina Kakoudaki: http://www.ves.fas.harvard.edu/faculty/kakoudaki.html
Antoine Picon: http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/people/faculty/picon/index.html
Verena Conley: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~rll/people/faculty/vconley.html
Bill Seaman: http://billseaman.com

EVENT 3: Empreinte Digital: Traces & Voyages
Thursday, May 5 (Piper Auditorium, 6PM-8PM)

Tom Conley: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~rll/people/faculty/conley.html
Jimena Canales: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~hsdept/faculty/canales/
Allen Sayegh:
Edith Ackermann:

The purpose of Critical Digital is to foster the dialogue about digital
media, digital technology and design, and to challenge the basis of
contemporary digital media arguments. The intention of the group is to
identify, distinguish and offer a critique for current trends, tendencies
and movements in digital culture. Through diverse activities it intends to
develop a direction of thought into a proposed framework to sustain
discourse that will challenge what is rapidly becoming the mainstream. It
will provide a permanent forum for discussion and enrichment of the
experiences in this field of study in the Harvard - GSD community, and also
pursue to establish a vital link and presence with outside communities.

Ana Maria S.V. Pinto da Silva
MDesS :: Digital Media & Production Environments
Harvard University :: Graduate School of Design

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