[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Earth Day @ MIT!

Deborah Fairchild dlfair at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 26 12:33:49 EDT 2005

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
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>Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:35:51 -0400
>To: aac-aoquery at MIT.EDU
>From: "Amy B. Donovan" <adonovan at MIT.EDU>
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>X-Mailman-Approved-At: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 08:30:19 -0400
>Subject: Earth Day @ MIT!
>X-BeenThere: aac-aoquery at mit.edu
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>Celebrate Earth Day @ MIT!
>Stata Center events:
>Outdoors at the Stata Center Amphitheater (East side, near buildings 68 
>and 57)
>Rain location: Inside the Stata center at the TSMC Lobby (East side, near 
>the intersection of Main and Vassar streets)
>Thursday, April 28
>10 am–3:30 pm
>Celebrate the Earth and MIT's many Environmental options!
>Free Entertainment schedule:
>    * 10am - New England Guitar Circle: an ensemble of 8 guitarists; 
> <http://www.necircle.com/>http://www.necircle.com/
>    * 11am - Bellydancers - Nadira, Samarra, and Za-Beth. Nadira's 
> website: <http://www.nadiraonline.com>http://www.nadiraonline.com
>    * 12pm - Stephen Gilligan (guitar) of Resource Development; 
> <http://www.cityofroses.net>http://www.cityofroses.net
>    * 1pm - A Renaissance Troupe from Acorn Event Productions 
> <http://www.acornevents.com/>http://www.acornevents.com/
>    * 2pm - Central Artery Project 
> <http://www.centralarteryproject.com/>http://www.centralarteryproject.com/
>Free Food from Sodexho
>Coupons for the Steam Café, WGR Flower Seed Bookmarks, Plant-your-own-seeds,
>Recycle bins (for Cambridge residents), Earth-friendly office supplies 
>from Office Depot
>Special drawings for:
>T-Pass, Office Depot items, Z Center Day Passes, Japanese calligraphy, and 
>other great gifts!
>View Videos on Sustainability and the Environment:
>(Oil on Ice, The End of Suburbia, The Politics of Food, etc.)
>Energy and money saving items for the home and office from Green Decade 
>Check out the new Toyota Prius!
>In honor of Earth Day at MIT, special promotion from the Steam Cafe (April 
>25-29).  Download coupons from our web site:
>Stata Earth Day event Sponsored by:
>the Working Group Recycling Committee, the Environmental Programs Office, 
>the Department of Facilities, Office Depot, Sodexho, Artists Behind the 
>Desk, the Sierra Club, the City of Cambridge Recycling Division, the WG 
>Commuting Task Group, WG Membership Committee, the Working Group on 
>Support Staff Issues
>Kresge events:
>(Sponsored by Students for Global Sustainability and SAVE)
>Free jazz/salsa concert
>Solar Design Contest entry submission/ awards ceremony
>(for more info see 
>Great vegetarian food
>For more info, go to: http://web.mit.edu/sfgs/earthday
>Extend your Earth Day celebration!
>Friday, April 29th, 12 pm
>Walking Green Campus Tour of several of MIT's key campus environmental 
>initiatives: a solar power installation, our co-generation power plant,
>GreenFuel Technologies algae-based bioreactor pollution control system, 
>and the Stata Center's biofiltration installation. The tour will start on 
>the steps of the
>Stratton Student Center (W20). Space is limited, so please RSVP to Steve 
>Lanou at slanou at mit.edu or 2-2907.
>For links and more information:
>The mission of the MIT Working Group Recycling Committee is to develop and 
>deliver programs that educate administrative and support staff about 
>recycling, reducing and reusing goods. Efforts include 
>identifying/addressing gaps in staff understanding about recycling as well 
>as gaps in recycling resources and creating ways to increase recycling at MIT.
>For more information about the Working Group Recycling Committee, please 
>visit: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/index.shtml
>For more information about the Recycling Ambassadors Plus Program, please 
>visit: http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/ambassadors_plus.shtml
>Celebrate Earth Day @ MIT on April 28: 
>Amy Donovan
>Co-Chair, Working Group Recycling Committee http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/
>a subcommittee of WGSSI: http://web.mit.edu/committees/wgssi/
>Editor, The Monthly Bale http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/monthly_bale.shtml
>adonovan at mit.edu
>Amy Donovan
>Assistant to Prof. Richard J. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D. http://web.mit.edu/cohenlab/
>Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology http://hst.mit.edu/
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>Building E25, Room 335
>45 Carleton St.
>Cambridge, MA 02142
>617-253-3019 fax
>adonovan at mit.edu
>Co-Chair, <http://web.mit.edu/wgrecycling/>Working Group Recycling Committee
>a subcommittee of WGSSI: http://web.mit.edu/committees/wgssi/
>Aac-aoquery mailing list
>Aac-aoquery at mit.edu

Deborah L. Fairchild
Administrative Officer
Program in Science, Technology and Society
dlfair at mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 253-4084
Fax:    (617) 258-8118 
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