[Sci-tech-public] Seminar: Biodefense Research and Public Health

Deborah Fairchild dlfair at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 14 07:43:46 EDT 2005

>MIT Student Pugwash presents:
>Biodefense Research and Public Health
>Tuesday, April 19th
>5pm - 6:30pm
>MIT room 4-237
>Dr. Rocco Casagrande, PhD
>Former UN Biological Weapons Inspector in Iraq
>Director of Homeland Security Program at Abt Associates, Cambridge, MA
>Dr. David Ozonoff, MD, MPH
>Professor of Environmental Health at BU School of Public Health
>Biodefense-related research funding has increased, and the public health 
>system has undergone restructuring, in response to the threat of 
>bioterrorism. What is biodefense research and what are its implications? 
>How can research and resources be directed most usefully towards 
>protecting and improving public health? Please join us as our speakers 
>address these issues.
>Sponsored by MIT Student Pugwash; for more information, contact: 
>pugwash-officer at mit.edu

Deborah L. Fairchild
Administrative Officer
Program in Science, Technology and Society
dlfair at mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 253-4084
Fax:    (617) 258-8118 
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