[Sci-tech-public] brown bag lunch w / joe dumit, april 6

esra ozkan esra at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 1 15:04:55 EST 2005

Brown Bag Lunch
with Joseph Dumit

Drugs for Life:
Managing Health and Identity
Through Facts and Pharmaceuticals

Wednesday April 6, 2005
1:00-3:00, MIT, E51-275

Joseph Dumit is a Professor in the Program of Science, Technology and 
Society. His first book, Picturing Personhood: Brain Scans and 
Biomedical Identity (2004) is a rich contemporary history of the 
scientific construction of PET scans and how their images travel. He 
is currently finishing a new book, Drugs for Life: Managing Health 
and Identity through Facts and Pharmaceuticals  which explores the 
role of pharmaceuticals in a shift in how we understand the body, 
from inherently healthy to inherently disesased.
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