[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Student Pugwash events on national security and embryonic stem cell policies

Deborah Fairchild dlfair at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 22 13:29:46 EDT 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 13:14:31 -0400
>From: "Christopher J. Sequeira" <csequeir at MIT.EDU>
>To: dlfair at mit.edu
>Subject: Student Pugwash events on national security and embryonic stem 
>cell policies
>User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.2
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>X-Spam-Score: -4.9
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>    In preparation for the USA election on November 2nd, MIT Student
>Pugwash is hosting two events on science and technology issues that have
>been mentioned on the campaign trails.  We hope to get a diverse crowd
>that is interested in hearing and participating in some policy analysis.
>   The events will be forum-style, with each presenter giving a short
>talk, and the audience will have a chance to ask questions at the end.
>We've set up a mailing list, pugwash-questions at mit.edu, and anyone with
>question ideas can send directly to the list.  If you could send this to STS
>members, I would be grateful.
>- Chris, MIT Student Pugwash president
>Bush's and Kerry's Policies on Embryonic Stem Cell Research
>Tuesday, Oct. 26, MIT Room 1-135
>5pm to 6pm
>Dr. Harvey Lodish (Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research) and Rev.
>Tadeusz Pacholczyk (Director of Education, The National Catholic
>Bioethics Center) will each give their views on the embryonic stem cell
>research policies of Bush and Kerry in 20-minute presentations. A
>question-and-answer session with the audience will follow.
>Bush's and Kerry's Policies on National Security
>Wednesday, Oct. 27, MIT Room 1-150
>4pm to 5pm
>Allison Macfarlane and Owen Cote (both of MIT's Center for International
>Studies) will give their views on the national security policies of Bush
>and Kerry in 15-minute presentations, with a question-and-answer session
>to follow.
>Christopher J. Sequeira '05
>22 Magazine St. Apt 3
>Cambridge, MA 02139
>csequeir at mit.edu

Deborah L. Fairchild
Administrative Officer
Program in Science, Technology and Society
dlfair at mit.edu
Phone:  (617) 253-4084
Fax:    (617) 258-8118 

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