[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: [hotgrad] STS Position Available

Hugh Gusterson guster at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 19 11:26:07 EDT 2004

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>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 10:48:07 -0400
>To: hotgrad at lists.gatech.edu
>From: Hanchao Lu <hanchao.lu at hts.gatech.edu>
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>Subject: [hotgrad] STS Position Available
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>Dear All,
>Please see the job ad below.
>Hanchao Lu
>The Program in Science, Technology and Society at Colby College invites 
>applications for a one-year replacement position in STS at the rank of 
>Instructor or Assistant Professor beginning September 1, 2005. Possibility 
>of renewal for a second year pending administrative approval.  Candidates, 
>who should have a Ph.D., may have a degree in STS, history, history of 
>science and technology, sociology, or some other appropriate field.  We 
>are interested in a specialist in the history of the modern life sciences 
>in such areas as bioethics, biotechnology, race and gender, and genomic 
>research.  The successful candidate may work closely with other 
>interdisciplinary programs at Colby including environmental science and 
>policy and the Goldfarb Center for Public Affairs and Civic 
>Engagement.  The successful candidate should have an outstanding academic 
>background, an active research program, and a demonstrated commitment to 
>liberal arts education.  The candidate will teach an STS introductory 
>course and four other courses, one of which may be a January term 
>course.  Please send a letter of interest, CV with publications, 
>statements of teaching and research interests, and three letters of 
>recommendation to:  Prof. Paul Josephson, Chair, STS Program, Colby 
>College, 5320 Mayflower Hill, Waterville, ME  04901, Email:  prjoseph at colby.edu
>Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2004 and will continue 
>until the position is filled.  Colby is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 
>Action employer, committed to excellence through diversity, and strongly 
>encourages applications and nominations of persons of color, women, and 
>members of other under-represented groups. For more information about the 
>College, please visit the Colby Web site: <http://www.colby.edu/>www.colby.edu

Hugh Gusterson

Associate Professor of Anthropology & Science Studies
Anthropology Department
MIT, 16-247
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 253-7270 (tel)
(617) 253-5363 (fax)
guster at mit.edu

website: http://mit.edu/anthropology/faculty_staff/gusterson/index.html

"no matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up."  Lily Tomlin

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