[Sci-tech-public] STS Book Party - please join us

Kris Kipp kipp at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 24 12:16:23 EST 2004

Please join us for the STS Book Party -

Wednesday, December 1, 2004
4:00 - 6:00PM.

Following a welcome and introductory remarks by our host, Professor 
Rosalind Williams, we will hear from the following authors:

Louis L. Bucciarelli
Engineering Philosophy (Delft University Press)

Joe Dumit
Picturing Personhood: Brain Scans and Biomedical Identity (Princeton 
University Press)

Michael Fischer
a)  Mute Dreams, Blind Owls, and Dispersed Knowledges: Persian Poesis in 
the Transnational Circuitry (Duke University Press)
b)  Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice (Duke University 

Deborah Fitzgerald
Every Farm a Factory: The Industrial Ideal in American Agriculture (Yale 
University Press)

Hugh Gusterson
a)  People of the Bomb (University of Minnesota Press)
b)  Why America's Top Pundits Are Wrong (University of California Press).

Tom Hughes
Human-Built World: How to Think about Technology and Culture (University of 
Chicago Press)

David Jones
Rationalizing Epidemics: Meanings and Uses of American Indian Mortality 
since 1600 (Harvard University Press)

Constance Perin
Shouldering Risks:  The Culture of Control in the Nuclear Power 
Industry   (Princeton University Press)

We hope that you will join us for beer and wine, nibbles, and the informal 


Kris Kipp
Project Manager
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave., E51-185
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-9759
Fax: 617-258-8118
Email: kipp at mit.edu 
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