[Sci-tech-public] Fwd: Open Position: Executive Director

hugh gusterson guster at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 21 21:44:25 EST 2004

>X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>X-Eon-Sig: AQHHrPBBoCzqPtxISgIAAAAB,5c75d310cb1bf91373d50f614aeff449
>Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 00:51:38 -0500
>Subject: Open Position: Executive Director
>From: Student Pugwash USA <spusa at spusa.org>
>To: "Hugh P.Gusterson" <guster at mit.edu>
>X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.42
>X-Spam-Score: -4.9
>X-Spam-Flag: NO
>Student Pugwash USA, a growing student organization that encourages  the 
>examination of the ethical, social and global implications of science  and 
>technology seeks applications for the post of Executive Director.
>Student Pugwash, stimulated by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning 
>Pugwash  Conferences which has played such an important role in global 
>national  security and environmental issues, is poised to take a major 
>step forward.  Its national and international conferences have attracted 
>wide attention  and publicity. Its regional and local conferences, 
>organized by the more  than 40 high school, college and university 
>chapters have also had significant  impact. Its publications are read and 
>used in classrooms all over the  country. Building on this rich 
>foundation, SPUSA seeks to significantly  expand its scope and reach to 
>more effectively address the myriad ethical,  social and global 
>implications of science and technology. The successful  candidate will 
>show willingness and ability to lead the organization  in this critical 
>stage of its development.
>The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the 
>organization,  and reports to the Board of Directors. Duties include:
>         ·       Developing and implementing a visionary program that will 
> engage  a wide variety of students in an examination of the ethical and 
> social  implications in current and emerging technologies.
>         ·       Conceiving and implementing an aggressive fund raising 
> campaign.
>         ·       Reporting to the Board at frequent intervals on all 
> aspects of the  program, including fund raising, and organizing Board and 
> Board Committee  meetings.
>         ·       Hiring and supervising a staff to help carry out the 
> programs.
>Applicants should have three to five years of relevant experience, 
>including  management and fund raising, and are encouraged to visit our 
>web-site  at www.spusa.org and learn of recent  programs and activities. 
>Letters of application, which should be accompanied by a full resume, 
>should demonstrate a substantial understanding of the  goals and 
>aspirations of the organization, and demonstrate why the applicant  feels 
>he or she is the appropriate person for the job. Salary 
>requirements  should be included. Letters of application are completely 
>confidential.  Should the process proceed to an interview, and we indicate 
>serious interest  in the candidate, they should be prepared with names and 
>phone numbers  of three references. Send letter and resume to: Alan 
>McGowan, Chair,  Student Pugwash USA Board of Directors, at: 
>alan.mcgowan at gmail.com,  cc to alan at alanmcgowan.info.
>Student Pugwash USA is an equal opportunity employer, and is 
>strongly  committed to achieving excellence through diversity. We 
>encourage applications  from women, people of color and other 
>underrepresented groups.

Hugh Gusterson
Anthropology Department
MIT, 16-247
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-7270 (TEL)
617-253-5363 (FAX)


Program on Science, Technology and Society
MIT, E51-296F
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-7679 (TEL)
617-258-8118 (FAX)

guster at mit.edu 

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