[Sci-tech-public] Extended T-pass Pick Up Days

Kris Kipp kipp at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 28 10:23:39 EDT 2004

>We are pleased to announce that we will begin distributing August 
>subsidized T-passes on Monday, July 26.
>Pickup Schedule for the week of July 26 through July 30:
>Monday, July 26 and Tuesday, July 27  8:30AM to 4:30 PM at the Parking 
>Office (E32-105)
>Wednesday, July 28 through Friday, July 30 at the regular month end pickup 
>locations and times.
>The Parking Office (E32-105) 8AM to 5:30PM
>The Student Center (the Source) 9AM - 5PM
>The Copy Tech Center (11-004) 10AM-3:30PM
>Attention Students:  Please remember to sign up for your new Academic Year 
>Larry Brutti
>Operations Manager
>Parking and Transportation
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>77 Massachusetts Avenue, E32-105
>Cambridge, MA  02139
>Phone: 617-253-5142
>Fax:     617-258-6357
>URL:    http://web@mit.edu/parking

Kris Kipp
Project Manager
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Mass. Ave., E51-185
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-9759
Fax: 617-258-8118
Email: kipp at mit.edu 
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